Club Activities

A schedule of club events may be found at the bottom of our homepage. Make sure to check there for any updates about our activities.

Monthly Meetings

The Georgia Tech Amateur Radio Club, W4AQL, meets on the second Monday of the month. Usually, people begin to gather at the shack, room E496-A of the Van Leer Building, on the campus of Georgia Tech, at around 6:30–6:45 PM to chat and play with our radios. The meeting begins at 7:00 PM in the shack.

The Archive of Minutes is online. Currently this contains minutes from the March 2010 meeting and on.

During normal meetings, we discuss the business of the club and welcome input from members in the decisions we make. We welcome anyone interested in joining or finding out more about how we operate to come to our meetings (and hopefully join).

Open Shack

On the fourth Tuesday of each month, we open the shack to everyone affiliated with or interested in us. More relaxed than a formal business meeting, we serve pizza and generally get on the radios, work on projects, or just hang out and talk. If you're interested in joining, Open Shack is the perfect opportunity to get to know our club and its members.

License Services

We periodically hold an Amateur Radio Boot Camp for people who are interested in getting a technician class amateur license.

We also hold monthly license exams for all license classes in cooperation with the Atlanta Radio Club.

Other Activities

We regularly participate in various contests and other events, which are generally announced to our members and posted on our calendar.